The death of the great Sir John Gielgud gave us all pause to think over
what we leave behind and our own legacies.
What have we contributed on our own stage? The
accolades for Sir John were not just for his work, but for his being a kind and lovely man. But what a body
of work!
We wondered who we might be celebrating in such a fashion in the
next 50 years. Today's movie stars have public adoration and name recognition, but
which one of them will we be considering even on the same page as Sir John? Whose body of
work will we be re-viewing? What actors will be seen as the leading lights of this age? Do
they even have the vehicles today to display their talents, or the theatre education to
hone them. When you are a great movie star before you're an adult how much can you bring
to later roles that demand more than looks and charm? Who'll be celebrated for their work
from this crowd? |