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Puckering's New Gazette
     The Local Newspaper of the virtual village of Puckering

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A Carbuncle on the Face of a well-loved Aunt

Stoney Grove a crumbling ruin populated by a common oink with a taste for the high life and a feeling he should be William Hearst. Not to forget an academic freeloader living it up in the Caribbean, and a reprobate historian with a troubled past. There's more: a resident half wit who evidently has shown an interest in school girls, and a house keeper who's offerings at the village fete have raised questions of death by poisoning. Perhaps she’s studied her history more closely than most. Worried about genetically modified crops? The gardener has to have been doing something weird to come up with a three-foot aubergine. If anything proves that the lottery has been an abomination, it is this.


Animal Sufferage Society Founder Speaks Out

The loss of Wendy Smith in the recent elections is a travesty to our furry and flippered friends! That is why I hearby announce the formation of the Animal Sufferage Society. The purpose of this Society will be to secure the rights of animals to vote in council elections! The travesty of the past year’s events demands this action! I believe that all animal-loving citizens will join me in this proposal and support my
actions. The day will come when mankind will treat all animals with the respect they deserve.

Nigel Barksley
President, ARFS
Upper Puckering

Animal Sufferage Society Doesn't Speak for All

Dear Gazette,

My dog voted for Colonel Bratherton.

Art Summers
Morton Close, Lower Puckering

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