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Puckering's New Gazette
     The Local Newspaper of the virtual village of Puckering


Fancy a Game of Darts?
Play Darts with the Regulars at the Idiot
Visit the Puckering Village Idiot

Nelly the Elephant Packed Her Trunk ...For Stoney Grove!

Do you see elephants?You may not have to go to the circus to see elephants, lions and tigers if one of the ideas currently on the table at Stoney Grove comes to fruition. Whilst having a wild game reserve at a historic house isn’t a new idea, it could still prove a big draw. Inspired by upcoming TV show "When Big Things Go Bad," current owner Simon Tinsley stresses that this is just one idea under consideration at the moment. "It’s important at the planning stage to be open to all options. We’re talking theme parks, open air theatre, mouse trap museums, dancing girls and virtual reality right now" commented Tonsley. "It’s all about possibilities."

Local villagers' main concerns seem focused on traffic problems. ‘With all these elephants around I don’t wonder they’ll be creating their own roundabouts" said Mrs. Morcombe.

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