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Puckering's New Gazette
     The Local Newspaper of the virtual village of Puckering

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Current Edition

Week Ending: Feb 5, 2000

St. Basil?
Nigel Barksley (letters) may be interested to know that the sign on the Village Idiot pub is in fact derived from an historical figure of some repute. A local shepherd named Basil, trying for sainthood and cognizant of the success of St. Patrick in driving the snakes from Ireland, attempted the same feat here. He had earlier spent some time squashing frogs, but when this had failed to get him the adoration he desired, he moved on to snakes. Unfortunately, his method was rather more direct than that of St. Patrick, and the snake he tried to throttle bit him. It is this moment that the pub sign celebrates. The Church briefly considered his martyrdom, but in the end concluded that he just wasn't very bright. Of course, for many it is an apocryphal tale, speaking of the failure of man to drive out his own demons. Perhaps readers who are interested may like to read my "History of Puckering" which I hope to have published soon.

Nigel Twicks

Woof Woof
Bravo to Nigel Barksley for his stand against the Village Idiot. As a nation of animal lovers, we should do a much better job of looking after our furry, scaled or feathered friends. I had the pleasure of talking to Mr. Barksley at a party last year, and though we haven't spoken since, I wish him well and think he should stand for Village Elder.

Wendy Smith
Upper Puckering

Educational Standards
It seems someone must make a stand for accountability and educational standards in our community. If I were to stand for Village Elder (a decision I have yet to make) then I would make the Puckering Gazette a beacon for village life, rather than the vehicle that it is now for cheap laughs at our expense. Does every story have to have a punch line? Whilst decrying the kind of governmental interference that some of my colleagues espouse, I would like to know who now owns the Puckering Gazette and who is doing such a lousy job of editing it.

Colonel Bratherton
Upper Puckering

[Editor's Note: The owner of the Gazette wishes his name be kept secret at this point. He plays no part in editorial decisions, but supports the paper financially because of his interest in promoting and preserving the area. Reporters for the paper include prior editor Nigel Twicks, Lumpy Gaites, who covers Sporting News, and myself, Gordon Bennet. I have many years of experience at Fleet Streets finest, but was happy to take some time away from the slippery slopes of London to find the gentle dips of Puckering.]

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