Meeting Minutes

Back to Emma's Office

9th meeting of the Steering Committee for Stoney Grove

Attendees: Simon Tinsley, Frank Churchill, Shirley and Martin Johnson, Evelyn Prosser, Mr. Tinsley Sr.,Chester Vyse.

Simon: Well, who’s here today? Hard to say really, with half the committee ending up in the nick. Oh, Shirley. Good to see you. Going to have us raided again this week?

Shirley (quietly): Sod off, I say.

Simon: Go on—I didn’t hear what you said.

Shirley: I said no, not today.

Simon: Glad that’s out of the way. Now, where did we leave things? Oh, yes, Frank, we were discovering the details of your childhood. No offence, but I was hoping for something a bit more useful to come out of the box. Not that knowing who your mum is isn’t always a helpful piece of information, but you know what I mean.

Evelyn: Well, what about the other bits? Any thoughts on who the woman was in the picture?

Simon: Emma was supposed to be looking into those things, but she’s been tied up, or at least handcuffed. Frank? Somebody thought you might know.

Frank: I couldn’t say.

Simon: Well, we’re all glad to hear you saying something anyway. Thought you’d gone mute. Glad to have you back with us.

Frank: Ta.

Chester: Well, I suggest we forget the blessed box and talk about more pressing concerns.

Simon: Yes, are there any?

Chester: Miss Rutherford was nearly killed yesterday taking some visitors around. A piece of the entablature in the Sea Room came crashing down and just missed her. I took it upon myself to close the room off.

Simon: Well, can we fix it?

Chester: I don't know yet. Smashed up a lovely piece of original 18th century plaster and terra cotta. Don’t know where we’ll go to replace it.

Simon: This country is full of crumbling bits of old plaster. I’m sure somebody knows where to get more. Could you look into it?

Chester: Certainly. I’ll put in a call to a colleague and see what I can find. But I don’t suppose it will be easy to find an exact fit and I'm sure it will be very expensive because of the underlying structural problems.

Simon: Well, see what you can do. What else?

Mr. Tinsley Sr.: Go on, Evelyn, tell us what you found.

Evelyn: Well, I didn’t want to get into it today, with Emma out, but…I think I’ve found evidence of another garden building down by the lake. I was testing along the north bank and I came across some brick foundations. I’ve only just started, so I’m not sure just what it is yet, but it makes sense that it is part of the original landscape design.

Simon: Hmm. Well, it’s better than nothing, I suppose. Keep looking.

Martin: Well, I’ve got a question.

Simon: This is a day for surprises. Go on then.

Martin: It’s John. He’d like to come on, full time and all, as gardener. I know Miss Ann wanted us to do more with the garden, but I’ve had me hands full with the vegetables. John could take on the flowers and such. He’s helped out all spring, you know.

Simon: I think that’s a great idea. Of course, that’s assuming he doesn’t go to jail.

Shirley: Hmmph. He’ll not go to jail. Not on account of some good-for-nothing girlfriend.

Mr. Tinsley Sr.: I don’t think that’s fair. He’s the guilty party here.

Frank: Never mind. I think it would be lovely if John could make the gardens blossom again. He belongs here. The flowers are pretty this spring, but is not like the old days when the woods were alive with colour. I’d like him to come back, we all would.

Simon: Absolutely, you me and the entire looney bin. Tell him to put his thoughts down in a letter to me. You know, it pays to be official about these sorts of things. Last bit of business-- the TV crew are not coming as intended for the preliminary look around. Evidently they thought we were in Chester, who knows why, and decided we didn't really exist when they couldn't find us on the map. What can you do, television, it's a dying medium. Well, I’m off to see if Phil has survived his reunion with his wife with all his bits intact. Wish me luck the blade might still be sharp!

Shirley (softly): We'd be so lucky…

Simon: Shirley?

Shirley: I said he's lucky, to have a friend like you.

Simon: Well, you do what you can.
