Taxi Moved Me Reading
Last Taxi to Kensington, the brilliant drama of wartime love and sacrifice, moved
me to pursue my own career in romance literature (in which I've had modest success).
I urge Simon Tinsley to welcome the cast and crew of the upcoming mini-series to
Stoney Grove and make this wonderful story come alive again for all of us.
Lumpy Gaites
Lover's Lane, Upper Puckering
Bratherton, an Old Blow Hard
Corporal punishment, like public deference to the so-called
aristrocracy who bleed humanity dry from the confines of their gilded leech-jars, has gone
the way of the dinosaurs in modern England. Let Bratherton try to beat the youthful
exuberance out of young boys and star-crossed lovers. I'll beat him at the polls soon
Arthur 'Red' Covers
'The Kremlin', Railway Lane, Lower Puckering
Curry, an English Tradition
Mr Appleton should know that Indian take-aways are a true
part of the culture of the England, and his racist remarks have not passed unnoticed. He
should also be aware that we are taking steps to reduce traffic in the Puckerings. As an
opening measure, I suggest that if we see this pompous twit on our streets, we run
him out of the village. He is not welcome in my restaurant, and I send no regards to his
Sarah Ahavah Rivkah
The Great Ghandi, Lower Puckering |