Meeting Minutes

Back to Emma's Office

7th meeting of the Steering Committee for Stoney Grove

Attendees: Phil Porkridge, Shirley Johnson, Martin Johnson, Evelyn Prosser, Mr. Tinsley Snr., Simon Tinsley, Chester Vyse, Frank Churchill, Emma Knytleigh.

Simon: Well it's nice to be back. Where's Emma? Any idea, John?

John: No, I've been looking for her myself.

Shirley: You've got no sense young man, following that madam around.

Simon: Well, you seem at a loss Frank, so maybe you can keep the notes today in Emma's absence. Anyway, it's good to see you all again. Especially Chester, who I left with his head in a toilet bowl!

Chester: I had some bad fish.

Simon: Jolly unlucky that, not quite the way you'd planned the trip, I bet. Still, onwards and upwards. Thanks for looking after things whilst I was away, Phil. Any surprises for me?

Phil: Um, the box thingy that Emma found in the safe disappeared and we never got it open.

Simon: What's wrong with the old fashioned way? Nobody’s got a hammer?

: I'll hammer him! That box is private.

Evelyn: Well, as it's no longer here I think we can move on.

Phil: Oh, I agree, Evelyn. We did get a nice offer from the Segovia people for using the place for the TV series. I'll leave the decision to you, but it seems very generous. The producer is Arthur Daily, he said he'd been in contact with you.

Simon: Never heard of him. Is this a good idea?

: I'm not having more strangers in the house.

Mr. Tinsley Snr.: Should be all right. Glad it's not the snooty BBC. Who's going to be the actress then? That Liz Hurley's a looker. She can come here.

Simon: Don't think it's cast yet, Dad. Actually I was hoping for Uma Thurman, but anyway…

Chester: Well as I said to the Gazette, I really think this kind of thing is very destructive and detrimental to the house and grounds.

: and us!

Evelyn: The TV crew could affect my schedule. I was hoping to have some students digging here in the summer.

Simon: OK. Seems like we need to charge them more then, because of the disruptions. So, are you finding anything good?

Evelyn: Well it's too early to say on the landscape side, but there is artefactual evidence of an earlier site. We've not yet found any signs of a structure, though.

: That'd be Baldric's house. She's been pawing through his garbage.

Simon: Good, I couldn't deal with another house at this point. Still keep looking, I'm sure we can milk you for some publicity if we need to.

: More people to get rid of.

Simon: Oh, hello Emma. Glad you could make it. Actually, we started at three.

Emma: Well I was following a lead. I found the box and just got back from the village where they opened it.

Simon: Excellent. What's in there? Anything valuable?

Emma: Why don't you tell us Frank? You know, don't you?

: It's none of their business.

Frank: Yes, Emma, I know. I'm sure one of the things you found was my birth certificate. As you've no doubt discovered, my mother was Ellen Hall.

Shirley: You knew?!

Frank: They told me.

: Well, I never told him.

: Never mind.

Emma: Frank, are you OK? Frank…..
