Stoney Grove

About Stoney Grove

Stoney Grove Collage

Created by the developed of Stoney Grove Strories Past is a web development company specializing in interactive media for education. < /br> Our products engage your audience by guiding them through the process of discovery in a context-rich environment. Our clients have included a number of small and mid-size museums and state agencies. Together with these organizations we have designed sites to examine primary historical and archaeological data, explore a house museum and landscape; and learn through art, objects and artifacts. We will work with you to create educational units, context-rich on-line databases, and exhibits..

The web is an extension of your institution. Web-based education can:

  • Provide preparation exercises prior to a student visit.

  • Extend the experience through on-line follow-up exercises.

  • Make your site a portal for your educational mission.

  • Structure content and learning to match state and federal curricula and present differentiated content for different audiences.

  • Present your unique content to students you otherwise cannot reach.

  • Promote return visitation through changing content and community.

  • Create a collaborative space for students.

  • Expand to an integrated learning system with testing and accountability.

Please contact us at for further information or visit us at